Tag Archives: advertising

Idea #2 AdBlockers™

25 Aug

Before you tell me this product is rip-offed from the Roddy Piper classic, They Live, I want to tell you, it’s not. I’m not looking to see the subliminal messages The Man is serving up daily, I just don’t want to see any more advertisements. No more billboards pushing Pepsi. No more on-line banners begging me to click here to win more crap. Later to 284 pages of Louis Vuitton print ads in the September issue. Don’t get me wrong. I love spending too much money on face products marketed to turn back time as much as the next girl, but sometimes I want to be able to look stylish and enjoy the scenery without being sold. You know what I mean?

So for all you fellow ad-weary-sunglass-wearing people out there, go get yourself some AdBlockers™ today. Your eyes will thank you for the respite from the sell.

That or we could all just move to Sao Paulo, Brazil.
